Sunday, January 11, 2015


We have refrigeration!!  The attempt to get a part locally did not play out and one was ordered from the states.  It was overnighted to somewhere in Florida then sent to Marsh Harbor.  Saturday afternoon we got a call from Sean that he had the part and would be over later.  We are anchored just off of Marsh Harbor Marina and that is our closest dinghy dock.  I would pick him up there when he called again.  The weather was not as nice since the afternoon rain showers had started up.  When he arrived, we motored back to the boat and in five minutes the part was installed and the compressor was compressing sending Freon to cool everything down.  We had been using ice to keep the fridge cold but keeping meat frozen was the problem.  Without the generosity of Busk and Vickie loaning us there Engel cooler/freezer everything would have spoiled.  Sean told us about steak night at the Jib Room at the marina.  It sounded good so we decided to go.  He said he would be there with his family and some friends.  We went ashore and joined them for dinner.  While we were visiting with some other cruisers the hostess stopped and gave us our credit card back telling us that “Sean had picked up our bill”.  He had charged us the cost of the part and his labor.  I am sure the dinners cost him more than we paid him in labor.  Something else we will have to pay forward.  The islands are filled with the most amazing people.

On the other hand the generator is still a problem.  It ran fine for the two hours I ran it on Friday.  I started it Saturday morning and it ran for several seconds and quit.  Everything I tried did not help.  The shop was closed for the weekend and the service man is going to be gone for the next week.  I went to shore to buy some spark plugs since the ones we bought in Florida were the wrong ones.  On the way back I walked past the shop and the door was open.  He wasn't open for business, just getting ready for his trip.  I explained the problem and he gave me a couple of things to try.  Of course, they did not work and he was not answering the phone.  It will have to wait until later or another location.

Sunday is windy with intermittent showers so we are just taking it easy and kicking back.  I ran the engine to charge the batteries in the morning since the batteries were lower then I liked.  We are looking at charts and making plans for next week.  We are tired of just sitting in this harbor waiting on weather.

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